Health providers join forces for free clinics

Thursday 10 October 2024

WellSouth Primary Health Network, Health New Zealand I Te Whatu Ora (HNZ) and Araiteuru Marae in Wakari have joined forces to offer free health checks at the marae. 

The marae hosts free community kai including lunches and dinners on most Mondays, called Pātaka Ora. These free meals are open to anyone. 

Extending the service, the series of health checks called Pātaka Hauora, will run on the same days and times as Pātaka Ora, also free to anyone, starting next week Monday 14 October. 

Araiteuru Marae Māngai, Whaea Tania Sharee Williams explains the vision behind Pātaka Hauora. 

“Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi, with your basket and with my basket the people will thrive.  This is the essence of what Pātaka Ora is.  Being part of a wonderful community of volunteers, attendees and diners who embody the vision of life enhancement through the opportunities presented.  We are happy to extend support to people through the many health service providers of Wellsouth as Pātaka Hauora.” 

WellSouth Community Engagement Advisor, Deb Gallon, who has been volunteering along with other WellSouth staff at the Pātaka Ora kitchen since January, has been coordinating the clinics. She has been working with WellSouth dietetics, Falls and Fracture team and long-term conditions nursing, as well as HNZ’s Southern Cervical Screening Programme and Community Oral Health Teams. 

“We know that many people aren’t comfortable to get the help they need for small health issues and often feel unsure about visiting or even enrolling with a GP,” says Ms Gallon. 

“We hope that by offering free information and checks, alongside the existing kai, we can break down some of the barriers and get health advice to people who might not otherwise seek it out.” 

She surveyed the community to listen to what health information they needed most and created a programme targeting conditions that can often be easily identified and remedied but which are often ignored, leading to long-term suffering. These include joint pain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, fragile bones leading to falls, breathing problems, dental issues and type 2 diabetes. 

Some of the clinics will be hands on with strength and balance assessments targeted at older adults, healthy eating tips and examples for those on a budget, ‘lift the lip’ dental checks from Community Oral Health, blood pressure checks, on the spot cervical screening as well as diabetes and gout tests. Clinicians and practitioners will be able to explain results, provide health advice and in some cases refer to other primary care services. 

Whaea Tania says, “Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou e te whānau o Wellsouth mō ēnei taonga ki a tātou e te hapori.  On behalf of the community we applaud the innovation of Wellsouth to offer these health care opportunities here at Pātaka Ora, Araiteuru Marae. Mā pango, mā whero, ka oti te mahi!”


Caption: Araiteuru Marae Māngai Tania Sharee Williams at left and WellSouth Community Engagement Advisor, Deb Gallon right with guests at Araiteuru Marae. 


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