Corrections Mental Health Services
Corrections Improving Mental Health Service (IMH) – Prison
The IMH-In Reach service operates from the Otago Corrections Facility and Invercargill Prison. This service addresses mild to moderate mental health needs of clients to improve their mental health and wellbeing. IMH clinicians provide comprehensive assessment, therapeutic intervention and are involved in release planning.
Through this service, clients may also be referred to other services available in prison, to community services on release, including the IMH community-based team.
Corrections Improving Mental Health Service (IMH) – Community Corrections
The IMH-Out Reach service is based at the Central Dunedin Community Corrections Office. This service addresses mild to moderate mental health needs of clients to improve their mental health and wellbeing. IMH clinicians provide comprehensive assessment, therapeutic intervention and may refer and link the client to other mental health and social support services in the community.

Corrections – Whānau Wraparound Support Service
Provides support to the whānau of offenders who are engaged in IMH during their imprisonment or while serving a sentence or order in the community.
The service helps the whānau access other community services and improve their health and social wellbeing and outcome.
Referral can be made by Corrections staff via an online referral process. Informed consent must be gained from the client.