Suicide Prevention/ Postvention

The Suicide Prevention/Postvention team provides support when there is a suspected suicide within the community. They lead, coordinate, and facilitate suicide prevention plans and associated initiatives/activities.

These are designed to reduce the rate of suicide and attempted suicide in the southern region.

The team provides coordination on postvention activities with the goal of minimising the harmful effect and impact associated with suicide and suicidal behaviour on family, whānau, friends, and the wider community.

Our focus regarding prevention:  

Promoting healthy connections – engaging with community members in shared activities.  

Create protective environments – reduce access to means, create health organisations, and reduce substance use in the community.



For the Dunedin Services Directory click here.


For the Traffic Light Guide - Looking after your mental wellbeing click here.

The Team

WellSouth's Suicide Prevention/ Postvention team for the Southern region works to provide support when there is a suspected suicide within the community.

The team includes Bonnie Macgregor, Bella Pullon, Zac Kim and Carol Houston.  

Together the team coordinate and facilitate district-level suicide prevention action plans and associated initiatives. 

The team's main goal is to minimise the harmful effects associated with suicide on family, whānau, friends and the wider community soon after the event.