Brief Intervention Services
Our Mental Health Brief Intervention Services (BIS) provides short-term intervention to clients over the age of 20 with mild to moderate mental health issues.
Clients receive up to five sessions with a counsellor and the service is free.
Our BIS clinicians are registered health professionals, with the skills and experience to assist clients in need of short-term mental well-being support including for stress, anxiety, depression and concerns about alcohol and other drugs..
Accessing BIS
GPs, practice nurse or HIPs (health improvement practitioners) refer patients to the service.
Telehealth options – via phone or video – are also available if required.

What happens after I am referred?
Once the referral has been received a patient will be contacted by an administrator to make an appointment with a clinician. There may be a wait of several weeks depending on the number of referrals the service receives.
Priority for service may be given to those people who are Māori / Pacific or are a former refugee or have community service or high user health card.

Is there any support before I get to speak to a clinician?
There are a wide range of online and telephone support services.
These are listed on our Look after yourself (resource below) along with some tips to help you look after yourself including:
Get enough sleep.
Eat healthy meals and snacks.
Set reasonable limits on the time spent watching TV, using social media or playing electronic games.
Our While you wait (resource below) has further ideas.