GP Voucher Programme

If you have any further questions or to arrange a voucher for your GP appointment, contact our Call Centre on 0800 477 115 option 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often is someone eligible for a voucher?

Once every 6 months.


How long is the voucher valid for?

The voucher is valid for 7 days so you should book your appointment first.


Does the voucher cover all of my visit costs?

The voucher is worth $19.50.

If you have a Community Services Card (CSC), the full cost of your visit will be covered.

If you do not have a CSC, then you will have to pay the remainder of your bill.


I owe money at the practice can I get a voucher to pay some of this?

No, the voucher does not cover any outstanding payment you have at your General Practice.


I'm a clinician/practice manager wanting to find out more about this. Where do I look?

Go to the summary table and search Voucher Programme.