Complaints and Feedback

At WellSouth we welcome all complaints and feedback, and we use this information to improve our services.

We want to offer the best services we can and ensure we uphold your rights as a health services consumer.

Please note, WellSouth is responsible for general practices only. To submit feedback regarding your local hospital, please click here.

How do I submit a complaint or provide feedback?

Our preferred submission method is via our electronic submission form: Complete Complaint/ Feedback Form.

This will allow us to record, monitor and resolve any issues relating to any complaint or feedback we receive and identify any improvements we can implement.  
Other ways to contact us: 

You can also phone or write to WellSouth using the details below:  

Telephone:0800 477 115 or  0800 800 249 or  03 477 1163 

Postal Address: WellSouth Primary Health Network, PO Box 218, Dunedin, 9054 

We will acknowledge your complaint or feedback and do our utmost to resolve it.  

If you do not think your complaint has been dealt with sufficiently, or is still unresolved, you can escalate it to the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC). 


Rights of Health Consumers 

If you want more information, please visit the HDC site above or read the following: 

Code of Health and Disability Services

Right 1: the right to be treated with respect. 
Right 2: the right to freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment, and exploitation. 
Right 3: the right to dignity and independence. 
Right 4: the right to services of an appropriate standard. 
Right 5: the right to effective communication. 
Right 6: the right to be fully informed. 
Right 7: the right to make an informed choice and give informed consent. 
Right 8: the right to support. 
Right 9: rights in respect of teaching or research. 
Right 10: the right to complain. 


Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service 

The Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy service operates independently of the Commissioner, the Ministry, purchasers, health care providers and disability services providers.  

Advocates employed in the service provide a free complaint resolution service. The advocate will support or guide you to express and try to resolve your concerns directly with the provider of the service.  

For further information and contact information please visit: or call 0800 555 050 



0800 477 115 or 0800 800 249 or 03 477 1163

Postal Address:

WellSouth Primary Health Network, PO Box 218, Dunedin, 9054