We are the local primary health organisation for Otago and Southland.

Our vision as the Southern PHO is for better health and wellbeing for our Southern communities of Otago and Southland. 

We play a crucial role in both supporting and delivering community-based primary health care and wellness services directly to consumers and their whānau through general practice networks.

Click here to find out how we came to be and how the funding model works. Click here to better understand how capitation works. 

Our Vision - Tō Mātou Matawhānui

Best health and well-being for the Southern community.

See the WellSouth Strategic Plan

Our Values - Tō Mātou Uara

He mana tō te whānau - Whānau-centred

Tōkeke - Equitable 

Manawa whakaute - Respectful 

Pono - Transparent