Dr Douglas Hill - Chair
Doug Hill is a GP representative on the WellSouth board. Doug works at Broadway Medical Centre, which is a large inner city practice in Dunedin. Prior to moving to Broadway Doug worked as a rural GP in Palmerston.
As well as running a busy practice and being part of the WellSouth board, Doug works as a GPSI in orthopaedics and in minor surgery. He has been involved in the development of both these programs. He supervises registrars in the practice and runs the business. He also has experience as a college censor and a Primex examiner, and has taught in minor surgery courses.
"I am enjoying the WellSouth board. We have a great opportunity to make real health gains for everyone in the southern region, and to advocate for fair and equitable healthcare for all. The future looks very exciting, and we expect to deliver new and innovative strategies that will allow the South to lead the country in Primary Care."

Prof Emma Wyeth - Deputy Chair
Professor Emma Wyeth (Kāi Tahu, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Mutunga) is a Professor Māori Health in the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre at the University of Canterbury. Emma is the representative for Papatipu Rūnaka in the Araiteuru rohe on the WellSouth board.
Emma has a PhD in Genetics and has a range of research expertise and interests within the field of hauora Māori. The majority of her research over the last two decades has been focused on understanding and improving health outcomes and experiences for Māori.
Emma says primary and community care are a critical part of the health sector and she enjoys supporting WellSouth to improve health equity and access to health services for Māori.

Dr Susie Meyer
Dr Susie Meyer is a strong voice for Wanaka and Central Otago on WellSouth’s board. She was a director and GP at Aspiring Medical Centre for nearly 25 years.
Susie’s interest is teaching and contributing to primary care at a governance level.
In her role on WellSouth board, I hope to promote ongoing and positive communication between governance and clinical groups.
An outdoor enthusiast originally from the US, Dr Meyer did her medical training at University of Auckland before settling in Wanaka.
Dr Meyer teaches the GPEP2/3 programme for the RNZCGP. She’s previously served on advisory boards with the RNZCGP and the Central Lake Health network.

Dr Keith Abbott
Dr Keith Abbott is a GP and practice owner of Junction Health in Cromwell. His work interests include rural health, dermoscopy and minor surgery. Keith sits on the Central Otago Alliance Locality Network as a GP representative.

A/Prof Sue Crengle
Associate Professor Sue Crengle is the Murihiku Rūnaka representative on the Board. She is a member of the Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka. Sue is a GP and Public Health Physician who works part-time in general practice in Invercargill and part-time in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Dunedin School of Medicine.
Sue is passionate about health systems and services that provide high quality care that is free of inequities in access and outcomes.

Nicky Burwood
Nicky Burwood is a UK-trained Nurse Practitioner who began working in Travel Medicine and Urgent Care at Queenstown Medical Centre in 2016.
Nicky also holds a part-time (0.2FTE) appointment with WellSouth, developing and delivering the online training for RN Prescribing in the Community (Nurse Prescriber) training programme and educates nurses undertaking Post Graduate Education, including the Nurse Practitioner Practicum.