News Releases

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South surpasses one million RAT tests distributed

Saturday 09 April 2022

More than one million Rapid Antigen Tests were distributed to the residents in Southern during March.There were 59, 174 orders filled via Southern distribution sites, ordered through the Ministry of Health’s RAT requestor. That amounts to 1,097,800 RAT tests provided to people meeting testing criteria in Otago and Southland in...

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General practice survey supports sustainability

Thursday 07 April 2022

From Paul Rowe, WellSouth Practice Network Director:Since the end of January, WellSouth has surveyed general practices in Southland and Otago each week. (Now, twice weekly.) This started at the time Covid was first detected on the South Island and it was clear Covid cases in the community would increase rapidly,...

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Rapid antigen tests (RATs) available across the district, most collection sites in the country

Saturday 12 March 2022

Southerners have more options for accessing rapid antigen tests than anywhere else in the country, with collection sites throughout the district. We have current collection sites listed the WellSouth web siteFrom Stewart Island to Oamaru, there are 50 locations across Southland and Otago where residents can pick up...

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Covid Infections: Most people will be able to self-manage at home. Support and care is available for people, particularly those who most need medical care

Thursday 24 February 2022

While Covid cases are rising across the country, and faster in Southern than many other places, WellSouth medical director Dr Carol Atmore says that residents and students should be assured the majority of people who get Covid will be able to safely self-manage at home and that health care and...

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Oamaru Covid-19 Community Based Testing Centre  - opens Saturday February 19  

Thursday 17 February 2022

Waitaki residents will have greater access to Covid-19 testing with the opening of Community Based Testing Centre on Saturday.No appointments are required for the drive through testing centre at Awamoa Park in Oamaru, which opens this Saturday and wil operate 9am to 4pm, Wednesday through Sunday.The clinic is a...

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Covid Testing Centre opens in Invercargill

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Awarua Whānau Services and WellSouth Primary Health Network are partnering to ensure Covid-19 testing and vaccinations are even more accessible for residents and visitors to Invercargill.Opening Monday 20 December, the health providers are collaborating on a no-appointment-required, drive-through testing centre in the car park behind the Newfield Tavern, Invercargill....

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Covid-19 testing sites to be established in Invercargill and Dunedin

Saturday 04 December 2021

Adding capacity and improving accessibility, WellSouth primary health network is establishing Covid-19 testing centres in Dunedin and Invercargill. The centres will supplement swabbing services already provided by general practices and providers, such as Te Kāika, that have stood up dedicated swabbing services.The additional testing resources will support an increase in...

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Investment in programmes and services key feature for WellSouth for 2020/21: Annual Report

Tuesday 09 November 2021

Greater access to well-being support in primary care, balancing Covid-19 testing along with delivery of the vaccine, improving long-term conditions support, and a continued commitment to equity are among the many highlights for WellSouth in the fiscal year 2020/21.WellSouth’s board of trustees adopted the Annual Report 2021 and financial...

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Join Health Care Home - final opportunity for Southern general practices 

Friday 29 October 2021

Practices interested in joining the Southern Health Care Home programme are encouraged to get in touch with the Health Care Home team at or on 021 279 8907 by 1 December 2021 as the final opportunity to start Health Care Home in now underway.The start date for new...

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Southern general practices voice support for the Covid-19 vaccination programme with full page ads in community papers

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Southern general practices are putting their collective voices behind the Covid-19 vaccination campaign with an open letter to the public published in the weekly community newspapers across Otago and Southland.[image src="/assets/Images/182a7cd5d6/GP-Ad.JPG" id="1587" width="600" height="279" class="leftAlone ss-htmleditorfield-file image"]Southern is one of the best performing districts for vaccination uptake, and a distributed...

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