News Releases

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Long-term conditions programme helps patient be more involved in own health care

Thursday 24 December 2020

Retired serviceman Hemi Martin is not one who wants any added attention, but the extra support and care he receives thanks to the long-term condition programme CLIC may just be an exception to the rule for the 67-year-old Invercargill resident.A central part of CLIC (Client Led Integrated Care) is one-hour...

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10 Practices Join the Health Care Home Programme

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Over 53,000 more patients in the Southern region are set to benefit from the Southern Health Care Home programme, as 10 new general practices sign on. They will join the 115,000 patients and 14 practices already in Health Care Home.
Aurora Health Centre in Dunedin and Central Medical Oamaru, along...

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WellSouth call centre supporting general practices to meet smoking cessation targets

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Working on behalf of general practices in its primary health network, WellSouth is reaching out to patients who smoke, offering them advice and support to quit.“We all recognize that stopping smoking is the best thing people can do for their health, but it is not easy and it’s understandable that...

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Clutha Health First ramps up patient portal use

Monday 14 December 2020

More hard-work than hard-sell, Clutha Health First used a simple but effective approach to growing patient portal usage, adding more than 1,200 new registrations in July alone.The Balclutha-based Health Care Home general practice now has 3,545 of its approximately 8,300 patients signed up for patient portals – more than 52%...

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Perseverance despite a pandemic: WellSouth Annual Report 2020

Thursday 12 November 2020

COVID-19 features large, but WellSouth Primary Health Network and general practice have made progress supporting primary health care in the South during 2020.Perseverance despite a pandemic could be the theme of WellSouth’s Annual Report 2020, with the primary health network moving forward in a number of key areas...

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National MMR Campaign for 15 to 30 year-olds 

Thursday 12 November 2020

The Government is rolling out a year-long national measles campaign – called Guardians of the Future - with a focus on ensuring people aged15-30 years are immunised with MMR. General Practices are being asked to recall patients due or overdue for an MMR vaccine.
People in in the 15 to...

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Where to Get COVID-19 Testing Labour Day Weekend

Friday 23 October 2020

Ministry of Health officials recommend patients needing COVID-19 testing should not delay and should get tested as quickly as possible – don’t wait until after the long-weekend.Below is a list of practices/services providing testing at the weekend.Please call 0800 VIRUS-19 (0800 847 8719) to book an appointment.Outside of call centre...

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Take the test, Queenstown! Pop up testing clinic 08 October

Thursday 08 October 2020

People in Queenstown Lakes with COVID-19 symptoms, plus all hospitality workers whether they have symptoms or not, are encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 at a one-day, pop-up testing clinic in central Queenstown. Queenstown COVID-19 Testing Clinic Village Green Camp Street Thursday 08 October 8am to 8pm...

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Health Care Home programme expanding in Southern

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Equity focus of next stage of implementationThe Health Care Home programme is again expanding in the Southern region.The model of general practice improves patient experience and access to care while also supporting the sustainability of general practice.WellSouth Primary Health Network is calling for interest among general practices to join the...

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Harti Hauora provides more support for Māori community in Southland

Friday 18 September 2020

Media Release18 September 2020Harti Hauora provides more support for Māori community in Southland Helping tamariki Māori avoid hospital admissions for respiratory infections by supporting the health of their whānau is the aim of a new collaborative healthcare service at Southland Hospital.Harti Hauora is a Kaupapa Māori centred programme improving...

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