Physical Health

Crave: Why You Binge Eat and How To Stop
Cynthia Bulik
This book helps readers understand why they crave specific foods, recognize their individual triggers, and modify their responses to those triggers.

Diabetes and Wellbeing: Managing the Psychological and Emotional Challenges of Diabetes Type 1 and 2
Jen Nash
This book presents a range of effective psychological principles proven to positively impact the emotional wellbeing of individuals with Type 1 and 2 diabetes.

Episode 2A: Wellness and the health system
This show is all about wellness and the health system. The show is in Arabic and designed to help former refugees learn more about New Zealand’s health system and how they can keep themselves well.

Episode 7: Nutrition
This show is all about nutrition and physical activity. The show is in Arabic and designed to help former refugees learn more about New Zealand’s health system and how they can keep themselves well.

An app to help you find out what’s in the food you’re eating, so you can make simple switches to healthier options.

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions
Kate Lorig, Diana Laurent, Virgina Gonzalez, David Sobel, Marion Minor, Maureen Gecht-Silver
This book encourages readers to develop individual approaches to setting goals, making decisions, and finding resources and support so that they are able to do the things they want and need.

WellSouth's Low Cost Food & Transport Map
WellSouth’s Low-Cost Food & Transport maps were developed as an online resource showing affordable (free or lower cost) food and transport options available for communities in our Southern Region.