Anger, Anxiety, Stress & Worry

Aroha Chatbox
A chatbot for young people (13–24 years old) to help them manage their worries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aroha’s Way: A children’s guide through emotions
Craig Phillips
Aroha’s Way is a bestselling picture book for children around uncomfortable emotions; fear, apprehension, worrying thoughts and nervousness with ways to manage them.

Because Everything Is Right but Everything Is Wrong
Erin Donohue
The book follows Caleb, a teenager in his last year of high school, and his experiences going through and coming to terms with mental illness.

An app for people wanting to learn relaxation breathing techniques to manage stress and anxiety.

Fear & Anxiety
In this episode of Listen Yourself Well local mental health practitioner George Stamou joins us to explore the topic of fear and anxiety.

Fighting Invisible Tigers
Earl Hipp
Fighting Invisible Tigers uses the metaphor of a tiger to explain what stress is and the effects that it can have.

From Worrier to Warrior: A guide to conquering your fears
Dan Peters
How to overcome worry and fear using several easy-to-follow strategies.

Maia and the Worry Bug (NZ)
Burgess-Manning, Julie
The story in this book provides a focused way to discuss anxiety that would also greatly benefit many parents, including those with limited literacy.

Overcoming Anger and Irritability
William Davies
This book is a self-help manual for people who find that they are constantly becoming irritable and angry.

Self-help Anxiety Management (SAM)
An app by the University of West of England to help people cope with anxiety.

Staying on Track
To help New Zealanders cope with stress and disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Book of Angst: How to understand and manage anxiety
Gwendoline Smith
Learn what angst is and the ways in which deep anxiety can manifest.

The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens: CBT & ACT skills to help build your self confidence
Shannon & Shannon
Let this workbook guide the way to a more confident, outgoing you.

The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens
Gina Biegal
Learn a few strategies for getting stress under control, have the skills you need to deal with problems and difficult feelings that life sends your way

Turtles All The Way Down
John Green
This book centres on 16 year old Aza who lives with anxiety and OCD.