Aunty Dee
A New Zealand based wellbeing tool to help people cope with stressful life experiences through support with problem solving.
Use AppAunty Dee is a free online tool that can be accessed on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. The tool aims to help people work through a problem or problems. By encouraging users to think about, reflect and explore their problems in a structured way, users can proactively find solutions to their problems and then act. Although anyone can use the tool, it is aimed at Pacific and Maori young people aged 14-25 years. The website also has a library of tips and tricks for some common problems such as trouble sleeping or problems with relationships, friends, health and school. For the complete description, go to the Aunty Dee website.
- He mana tō te whānau Whānau Centred
- Tōkeke Equitable
- Manawa whakaute Respectful
- Pono Transparent