Like Minds, Like Mine (Whakaitia te Whakawhiu i te Tangata)
Like Minds, Like Mine is a public awareness programme to increase social inclusion and end discrimination towards people with experience of mental illness or distress.
1 in 5 New Zealanders will experience mental illness this year. That's a lot of Kiwis – it could be you, your family, workmates or friends.
One of the biggest challenges for people experiencing mental illness is stigma and discrimination. It can feel like a constant, heavy weight that makes life more challenging.
But it doesn't have to be that way. You can be part of changing this.
Striking up a kōrero/conversation with someone who is going through a tough time can feel awkward, so just keep it simple. Just ask, “I’ve noticed you don’t seem yourself lately. Are you ok?" Try not to jump in with your opinion and advice. Just whakarongo/listen to what they say. For more tips on how you can tautoko/support someone, go to www.likeminds.org.nz/justask.
- He mana tō te whānau Whānau Centred
- Tōkeke Equitable
- Manawa whakaute Respectful
- Pono Transparent