Staying on Track
To help New Zealanders cope with stress and disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic.
WebsiteStaying on Track is an online course that provides a range of tools to help you cope with worries and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. It consists of one illustrated lesson, supported by a lesson summary and helpful resources.
The content teaches you how to manage worry, stay active, manage sleep problems, stay connected with yourself and others, problem-solve and more. Before you start, you are asked a series of questions to gauge how you are feeling.
The course can be done with the support of a health professional or you can do it on your own (self-guided). It is available to anyone residing in New Zealand or the Pacific Island nations who may need some extra support with their mental wellbeing due to the impacts of COVID-19.
- He mana tō te whānau Whānau Centred
- Tōkeke Equitable
- Manawa whakaute Respectful
- Pono Transparent