Quiet the Mind
Mathew Johnstone
An inspiring and practical book which shows you how to meditate without the need for uncomfortable lotus positions or prayer beads!
Physical Book
Dunedin Otago University Clutha District Central Otago & Queenstown Lakes InvercargillIn a world where finding even ten minutes to do "nothing", the benefits of meditation can be profound. Meditation is simply a way of giving our brains a well-deserved break and can actually help our brains to function healthy and happily. This beautifully illustrated guide is an inspiring and practical book which shows you how to meditate without the need for uncomfortable lotus positions or prayer beads! With his typical gentle and insightful humour, Matthew's guide to meditation will enable to you to feel more present, more youthful, have more energy and greater concentration, improve your mood and sleep more soundly.
- He mana tō te whānau Whānau Centred
- Tōkeke Equitable
- Manawa whakaute Respectful
- Pono Transparent