49 Ways To Write Yourself Well
Jackee Holder
49 Ways to Write Yourself Well is an inspirational guide to improving your confidence and general well-being through writing.
Physical Book
Dunedin Clutha District Central Otago & Queenstown Lakes InvercargillEmbedded Audio
Play belowWritten by a leading creative-writing trainer and life coach, this book is a compendium of tools, techniques and activities which you can draw on to help you take control of your emotions, relationships and personal goals, and find a greater sense of self. The book is structured into 49 different and complementary approaches to using writing in creative and transformational ways for enhancing well-being. The information and exercises will help you to build and maintain a regular writing practice, as well as set up and maintain a journal. Learn how to use creative writing to identify and manage your emotions, release emotional and mental blocks, practice coaching models on the page to discover solutions to work or personal challenges, and reframe relationships with oneself and others. With recent research showing the positive and health-improving benefits that can come through writing, this guide will help you express yourself and achieve a greater sense of personal well-being.
- He mana tō te whānau Whānau Centred
- Tōkeke Equitable
- Manawa whakaute Respectful
- Pono Transparent