Stuff That’s Loud: A teen's guide to unspiralling when OCD gets noisy
Ben Sedley and Lisa Coyne
This book is a guide to get you started on the way to unspiralling when your obsessive and worrying thoughts get too noisy, and help you find freedom from OCD.
Physical Book
Dunedin Central Otago & Queenstown Lakes InvercargillListen to me or something terrible will happen. Does your mind say stuff like that? Does it say it really loudly? Do your thoughts and worries spiral and then suck you in? Do you ever feel like you need to do things until they feel just right or perfect? Do you or your mind get stuck doing things over and over? You are not going crazy and you are not alone. You can get through this and you can live a life full of meaning and healthy relationships and joy using the techniques in this book. We're guessing that you're thinking of buying this book because you are struggling with loud unrelenting worrying thoughts. Your struggle might have been labelled Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or it may not have been given a name before. We're calling it the Stuff that's Loud and that means those thoughts, feelings or sensations that are so noisy, intrusive and terrifying that they occupy your attention, your emotions and your body. Often other things need to be put on hold until you've done something to calm the loud stuff.
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