An app to help you find out what’s in the food you’re eating, so you can make simple switches to healthier options.
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Play belowThis app allows you to search and compare nutritional information on food products. By scanning the barcode of a food label, you get easy-to-interpret nutritional information presented using colour-coded, traffic light labels of red, amber and green. You get immediate suggestions for healthier alternative foods or products.
The app has 3 main selections — Foodswitch, SaltSwitch and GlutenSwitch.
Foodswitch is handy for any shopper, as it compares products based on energy, fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt content.
SaltSwitch is useful if you are on a salt-restricted diet, eg, if you have high blood pressure or kidney disease. The app tries to identify similar products with a healthier profile and less salt.
GlutenSwitch is useful if you are looking for gluten-free products. The app tries to identify similar products that are reported as gluten free.
If the product you are searching for is not found in the app database, you are prompted to send through photos of the front package, nutritional panel and ingredients.
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