Thalamus is a tool WellSouth uses to provide practices and authorized users access to reports and dashboards for both clinical and business intelligence.
Over the course of the past two years WellSouth Data and Intelligence has undertaken a revamp and refresh of WellSouth reporting to general practice, together with our general practices. We have been developing reports and tools that help identify patients, opportunities and monitor population health. A core part of this engagement is the Thalamus Working Group(TWG) an open group of practices who get early access to our in development reports along with providing ideas and feedback in our co-design process.
The journey is not over we still have a full pipeline of work, both finishing off the redesign of existing reporting and new reports we think are going to help you out If you would like to be a part of this group going forward please reach out to: with the subject TWG
Currently we offer the following suite of Dashboard to our practices to help with monitoring, claiming and patient identification:
If you haven't checked out Thalamus recently due to some of the inconsistencies of the past we encourage you to take a look now at some of the following refreshed, redeveloped and new reports
Sounds like something you want? Don't currently have access for your practice? Click here!
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Any other queries please contact:

Cardiovascular Health
Designed to track the current status of practice patients cardiovascular health and risk status, allow for filtering and prioritization to generate helpful patient lists for call-backs. The clinical view of this report is based on the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment and Management for Primary Care Document

Claiming Dashboard
The purpose of the Claiming dashboard is to provide insight into how WellSouth programmes are being utilized at a practice level. We also display potential claiming opportunities to notify practices of patients in need. This dashboard is proving very popular with practices with the opportunities lining up with the upcoming appointments in our medtech practices being well received

Diabetes Dashboard
Designed to track the current status of practice patients with diabetes across management metrics and to generate helpful patient lists for call-backs when needed using the new filter system, report can also highlight potential inequitable health metrics along with patients eligible for the new novel diabetes medications(SGLT-2 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Agonists)

Hāpai Atu(Quick CLIC) Report
The purpose of the QuickClic dashboard is to break down how allocated funding is being used by practices. We intend this dashboard to enable practices to better utilise their funding and consider equitable outcomes for their patients. Along with highlighting patients who are missing their funded follow ups to help practices claim those outstanding reviews

Register Management
This report can be used to get a list of your enrolled population and demographic information about them, as well audit information such as patients who's enrolment details need to be updated or re-enrolled in the coming months or patients who's ethnicity in the PMS doesn't match their ethnicity in the NES data we receive.

Screening Dashboard
The new Cervical Screening dashboard has been created to make it easier to identify patients that are high risk or haven't received a screening in line with clinical guidance.
Developed to provide an anonymized comparison of practices and how they are utilizing WellSouth programmes.

Toitū Takata
This dashboard is for WellSouths Toitū Takata (Long Term Conditions) Programme It is designed to help practices manage and track their programme allocations along with help practices identify patients that are eligible and their potential need base on clinical and demographic indicator.