Using Mahara Eportfolio
Please ensure you contact our Nurse Educator for assistance prior to downloading and editing an ePortfolio. Many are submitted with incomplete or missing sections and are being 'released back' to the nurses to amend.
Nurses are required to 'share' their ePortfolio with the Nurse Manager/peer assessor/senior nurse for 8 weeks, so they have time to complete their sections in the portfolio. Please start your portfolio early to allow time for this.
The ePortfolio platform is facilitated by Health (HNZ) Te Whatu Ora, and is accessed through a portal on the healthlearn welcome page. If you do not have a healthlearn account please email
All nurse applicants, PDRP assessors, Designated Senior Nurses, or anyone that undertakes the peer assessor role, provide guidance, support and/or assessment for a nurse applicant against the NCNZ competencies, will need to complete the PDRP Introductory course on healthLearn - ePortfolio RGIT003.
On completion of this course, you will then be given access to Mahara.
It is recommended to attend a Te Whatu Ora Eportfolio workshop before commencing this document as deleted pages cannot be undone.
Once logged into Mahara, click on the green ‘ENGAGE’ circle
Click on the drop down boxes under groups and select ‘All groups’ AND ‘Te Waipounamu’ and then click search.
Scroll down to find the words ‘PDRP Southern’ and click on it. When open, ensure you click on ‘Join this group’ (It might take a minute to process). You must join this group to then make the portfolio documents available to you.
Keep scrolling down to ‘Collections shared with this group’. Then click on the portfolio collection title that is right for you, i.e. Designated Senior Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Registered Nurse.
You will now be on page 1 of your portfolio collection (workbook). You then need to copy this collection (rename it once copied so it can be identified when submitted (i.e. southland or Otago_ Your name_level_current year).