
What are the Best Start Kōwae?

A suite of innovative pregnancy assessment tools for use by Primary and Maternity Care Providers.

Gen2040 is leading the national rollout of a suite of innovative maternity assessment tools that supports maternity care across health services, ensuring all pēpī, especially pēpī Māori, are given the best start in life.

What does the Best Start Kōwae mean for Health Care Providers? 


Continuity of Care

Best Start Kōwae have three touch-points across the pregnancy journey:

  • Best Start - Pregnancy Tool

  • A comprehensive early pregnancy assessment was carried out at the confirmation of pregnancy consultation. Meets the requirements for Section 88 Non-LMC first trimester claim.

  • Best Start - 2nd Trimester Check

  • Recall assessment at 16 weeks to have flu and pertussis vaccinations. Also provides an opportunity to check in on māmā and her engagement with any support service referrals identified during the Best Start Pregnancy consult as well as ensuring connection with an LMC.

  • Best Start - 6 Week Check Pēpī (6W Pēpī)

  • Enhanced Well-Child check 6 weeks postpartum.

  • Best Start - 6 Week Check Māmā (6W Māmā)

  • General well-being check-in with Māmā and follow-up care.

Pro-equity approach to ensure nobody falls through the cracks

Improving equity for Māori hapū māmā and pēpī Māori is part of the core design of the Best Start Kōwae. The Generation 2040 project will provide a small incentive payment to providers who use the tools with Māori hapū māmā and pēpī Māori.

Built-in clinical decision support

Each of the Best Start modules have built-in decision support, enabling the identification of issues and early intervention.

Up-to-date, evidence-based advice

Best Start Kōwae is evidence-based, informed by:

  • Up-to-date national and international evidence-based guidelines;

  • Ministry of Health;

  • Midwifery College;

  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists;

  • Section 88 non-LMC first trimester care requirements;

  • Recommendations of the Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality Review Group; and

  • Subject matter expert opinion- where there is no guideline or consensus statement

Cross-sector collaboration

  • The tools are available for use in Primary Care and Maternity Care Providers (LMCs). Information is stored in a secure centralised cloud-based database for all providers and carers to access, meaning less duplication and better visibility.

  • The tools have the ability to integrate with hospital information system portals (i.e., Concerto). This function is dependent on whether the corresponding District Health Board has signed on to connect the tool. For more information, please contact Gen2040

  • Phase 2 of implementation will include the ability to refer to some health and social support services directly from the tools. Providers will also be able to view the status of the hapū māmā’s engagement with services from the tools.

Smart data capture

All data into the Best Start Pregnancy Tool is coded consistent with the HISO 10050.2:2020 Maternity Care Summary Standard, January 2020.

Incentive Payments

The current payment incentives include:

Best start Pregnancy


Six Week Pēpi 


Full payments will be made regardless of how many fields are completed within the form.


To get the best care for your hapū māmā and pēpī – please contact your Practice Relationship Manager today to arrange paperwork, installation, and training for staff.

If you require further assistance regarding the Gen2040 program please contact Cheryl Fenwick Evans or visit the Gen2040 website.