Severe and enduring mental illness / Addiction

Severe and enduring mental illness is a broad definition which includes those who have been severely impacted by mental illness and/or diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar affective disorder (BAD), major depressive disorder (MDD), and/or addiction. Symptoms should to be present for at least two years or more.

Many people living with poor mental health or addiction problems suffer a ‘double whammy’ with their physical health suffering due to unhealthy lifestyles and the side effects of medication. The intention of enrolling these patients in 
Toitū Takata is to support them to improve their physical health through behaviour change and positive lifestyle choices, as well as screening appropriately and intervening promptly.

Resources for the clinician:

        Key facts about enduring mental illness and physical health

•    Tupuānuku Research resources: Tupuānuku Research | Equally Well

        A comprehensive guide to physical health checks for people with severe/enduring mental illness

Action plans for mental health patients enrolled in Toitu Takata:

        ‘My health’ self assessment form

        Personalised patient wellbeing plan


Patient resources:

        A comprehensive patient facing guide to improving physical health for mental wellbeing

        Five ways to wellbeing – includes downloadable resources for patients in different languages

    Small Steps | Free online Tools to Manage your Wellbeing 

        Te Hikuwai self help Wellbeing resources for sixteen areas of wellbeing

Your practice Access & Choice team are a valuable resource for recommending local services/community providers for patients struggling with their physical and mental health. They are experienced in behavior change techniques and lifestyle coaching. Please use their expertise!