In-Home Strength and Balance

WellSouth offers non-urgent In-home strength and balance programmes for those who have poor strength and balance and are too frail for or have no access to community group-based fall prevention exercise programmes.

Based on the Otago Exercise Programme, the model is delivered over a shortened 12-week timeframe. A comprehensive assessment is completed in the home, identifying risk factors and selected exercises are introduced at that time if appropriate. 

Simple criteria

Simple criteria are used to screen for those older people who will benefit from the programme. The following three screening questions will determine the likely benefit of strength and balance training. Ask all people aged 75 years and over (Māori and Pacific Island people 65 years and over) living in the community three questions that are the key to determining benefit of in-home strength and balance programme:

1. Have you slipped, tripped or fallen in the past year?

2. Do you have to use your hands to get out of a chair?

3. Are there some activities you have stopped doing because you are afraid you might lose your balance? Do you worry about falling?

 A person who responded positively to any of these questions, has identified strength and balance deficits, and is identified as requiring a clinician supervised programme is likely to benefit from in-home strength and balance exercises.


Eligibility criteria:

  • Aged 75 years and older (or 65 years and older for Māori and Pacific peoples)

  • Have fallen in the last year

  • Able to independently do home exercises (with support of family or carer if required)

  • Unable to attend community based programme


  • Syncope

  • Vertigo

  • Unable to sit or stand unassisted or mobilise around own home, with or without walking aid

  • Already under the care of Physiotherapy or Rehabilitation services

  • People requiring urgent assistance to manage their fall risk at home

How to Refer

You can refer via ERMS – Under the Falls Prevention Referral

The referral can be found under the ERMS categories:

  • Allied Health

  • Older Persons Health and 

  • Rehabilitation categories in ERMS

Or complete the form below and email to